Is this Career Advice or Business Advice?

Is this Career Advice or Business Advice?

I have told many a person to follow their passion. What speaks to where you want to be? What do you want to do? For some this provides an incentive to listen to the internal guide of what to do. Others it seems to destroy something they did for fun as they make it a career. There are still others that really don’t know what they have a passion for, because they haven’t sampled enough in life.

The article below might be a better way to look at their business or career. What is that thing that you keep coming back and working on? What are you willing to put up enough time on to create the “blisters”? What generators the motivation to keep working on something?

If you are in business, where is your company finding success? Can you do more of that? Can you outsource the things that aren’t working? Many companies really find success working with other companies that fill in the gaps.

Nowadays, I think a lot of business just need to do what they do best.